After 25 years since its inauguration, a renovation is needed.
To fund the project, the Santa Maria delle Rose Cooperative, is resorting to contributions from families, individuals and legal entities, foundations and other entities. In return for the contribution, their names will be mentioned on the web page, on the monitors at the exhibition and in the forthcoming book MARIA.

Sant Fèlix in Calepodio
The presentation of the book “Sant Fèlix in Calepodio, Màrtir Romà, Copatró de Vilafranca del Penedès,” written by Antoni Ribas, where the video of the excavation of the man Felix and sculpture Saint Felix by Guido Dettoni in 2004, in Vilafranca del Penedès, was also shown.

CANTICO DELLE CREATURE tattile visivo sonoro
In occasione del centenario del Cantico delle Creature di San Francesco di Assisi, abbiamo il piacere di condividere il risultato del processo che ha condotto al CANTICO DELLE CREATURE tattile visivo sonoro.

ROME, crossroads of pilgrimages and humanity
From Oct. 25 to Dec. 6, 2024, the exhibition “ROME, crossroads of pilgrimages and humanity” will take place in all the rooms of the Pontifical Shrine of the Shroud, as a real journey between images and words.