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Iconic Sculptures, MARIA Limited Editions

MARIA Limited Edition sapele-wood

12 signed and numbered copies
14 cm | 5.5 i
Last copy

MARIA sapele-wood.
The handheld Icon of Mary.
12 multiples signed and numbered.
Carved in sapele-wood.
Delivered along with fabric bag, artist’s certificate and flyer, with a special glass cylinder and cardboard container.
14 cm | 5.5 in

By checking out, please indicate in the Customer Notes the number of the multiple you have chosen among the ones on display. Thank you.

This wood gets its name from the city of Sapele in southern Nigeria, country, along with Togo and Bénin, where Guido Dettoni spent  long periods of time in the seventies and eighties practicing the arts. On October 20, 2019, on the occasion of the 59th Independence Day of Nigeria, the Catholic community found in the local Marian Society, which unusually represents MARIA with Jesus’ heart on her chest, the strength to witness the drama of today’s world. As the Rev. Fr Innocent Obi, chaplain of the Diocesan Youth Commission of Sapele and member of the Marian Society, said, King Herod wanted to annihilate Jesus from birth and now the Herod of our time, the power that represents the few who want poverty, unemployment, insecurity and slavery of the many tries to annihilate millions of people -a new massacre of the innocents- not only in Nigeria but in the world. The wood of Sapele, chosen by Guido Dettoni to dress MARIA, wants to remind us of it, thus becoming the symbol of the fight against Herod. The local tradition tells that this wood identifies with spirituality and inner growth.



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1 in stock

From 2024, the annual net profit from the sale of multiples of Guido Dettoni della Grazia’s sacred art will be donated to the CARITAS Foundation of Assisi, for mothers and children in vulnerable situations, and to the SERAFICO  Institute of Assisi, dedicated to people with multiple psycho-sensory disabilities. [+DETAILS]

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From 2024, the COOPERATIVA SANTA MARIA DELLE ROSE di Assisi is the beneficiary of the net revenues of this e-commerce due to the “Social Aid Policy” officially adopted.

Via Santa Maria delle Rose 10, Assisi (Italy)
Registered with the Registry of Companies of Perugia on December 7,  2012 , with protocol no. 42.205.