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Iconic Sculptures, MARIA

MARIA Ascendit

Reproducing the MARIA Icon with a mesh surface and 3D printing it not only makes it trans visual,
hence Omnia Plena, but also ascending, hence MARIA Ascendit. Made of white polyamide with
additive 3D printing, the 9,9 ft enlargement weighs 71 lbs, and allows a noninvasive midair
suspension with transparent nylon cables.
Applying 3D printing and sophisticated engineering to assemble the parts that make up the
enlargements were the most challenging legacy. The effect of a hologram is well-known and
frequently employed, but with MARIA Ascendit it materializes into a physical body that can have a
dialogue with the surrounding light and everything around it.
Even with sculpture we can, now, touch with our eyes the Ascension of MARY.

Available on backorder

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