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Work | Exhibits | Installations
Work | Exhibits | Installations

Work | Exhibits | Installations


At the beginning of the year, it takes place a
workshop at the Franciscan Convent in Bonlanden (Germany) about the theme: “To be
part of the Whole”, gathering some Sisters along with all the employees of the
Convent, a total of 55 participants.  

In 2021 the illustrations, composed by Guido Dettoni resulting from the images of the shapes created by every participant will be exhibited and integrated into the new Praying Chapel at the Convent to complete its scenario. 

The two meters height wooden enlargement of the TAU and the one-meter height
enlargement of MARIA, carved in Verona red marble on one-meter height column are realized and will be installed at this Praying Chapel in 20121. 

Achievement of the definitive prototype.


Project concluded.


A year devoted to silence and blindness. This was not to avoid listening and seeing all that was going on but to better hear and see within oneself and, also with the hands in contact with the matter, to discover through shapes the invisible reality.




MARIA – achievement of the new version of the enlarged sculpture from 8 inches upwards.

CRUCIFIX – achievement of the handheld sculpture. 

WEARABLE ICONS – collection of reduced sculptures -cast or carved- to become wearable: Maria, Tau, Crucifix, Bethlehem Cross and others.

EAGLES – Installation of the two outdoors  fiber glass enlargements of the original sculptures, one mirror of the other,  at Can Pinal’s Estate – Els Hostalets de Pierola – Barcelona.

ILLUSTRATIONS for the book of poems, NAUFRAGIS, by Carles Duarte i Montserrat  – ISBN:978-84-17469-17.7.

PAU  – Performance PAU ESCOLTA.  Based on the proposal of the composer Àlex Martínez,  PAU listens the sounds of the landscape recorded within the two parts of the outdoors sculpture at  Els Hostalets de Pierola. 

HANDS JOURNEY – Sculpture installation at a horse stable in  Can Pinal’s Estate – Els Hostalets de Pierola –  Barcelona.

PAU  the 12 millions years old fossil from the Miocene’s Montserrat area (Barcelona) becomes an outdoors monumental sculpture located in  a public park of  Els Hostalets de Pierola – Barcelona. 

HANDMATTER |  RECONCILIATION – realization of a collective art experience about Reconciliation at Museo Casa de la Memoria – Medellín- Colombia.

MARIA Exhibits  | Installations 

Cripta di San Rufino – Assisi | Policlinico – Lampedusa | Santa Maria delle Grazie | Tufo – Carsoli – L’Aquila |

Ospedale Pediatrico Meyer – Firenze

TO TURN THE OTHER CHEEK – achievement of the handheld sculpture. Published in the book “L’ull de la violencia” (The eye of violence) – ISBN:978.84-9136-088-9. 

FLYING MAN achievement of the  sculpture for those awarded by  the  American Italian Association of Educators (AIAE) – NY – USA.

HANDMATTER | PEACE NETWORK  – the network begins with the gatherings  in  Assisi, Prague, Mäntyharju (Finland) and New York (Hofstra University) aimed to be spread all over the world. Presently in standby. 

CATALONIA – The Institute for the Promotion of the Catalan Culture awards him with the  XXIX Premi Josep M. Batista I Roca – Memorial Enric Garriga Trullols for his work spreading the Catalan Culture and language.


First presentation and installation at the Basìlica dos Martires – Lisboa of one Stele allowing a tactile and visual experience of MARIA.

MARIA Exhibits | Installations 

Tanatorio de San Gervasio -Barcelona | Real Monasterio de Santa Isabel -Barcelona.

HANDSMATTER | PARAULA-FORMA (word-shape)  – Performance with the  poet Carles Duarte, at the Fundación Carulla – Esplugues de Francolí – Catalonia.

HANDSMATTER | PEACE NETWORK  Gathering in Mäntyharju – Finland.


Alpha-Omega Column, donated by NESHER Foundation (The Netherlands), permanently  installed  at the Choir of Our Lady of the Snow, Prague. 


TOUCHING TENDERNESS AND PEACE – 6 days performance during “The days of Faith” – Prague 

SHAPES OF SILENCE – Earthship Isla Verde – Els Hostalets de Pierola, Barcelona. 

MARIA MADRE  – Colegio Pureza de Maria – San Cugat, Barcelona. 

PEACE GATE – First experimental Gathering held in Assisi, to manifest Peace and to achieve the video demo of a  virtual construction of a Peace Gate.

MARIA & RESURRECTION –  at Saint Ignatius Church in Singapore.  

MARIA’s enlargement and  RESURRECTION sculptures, both  carved in Marble.

The RESURRECTION sculpture was presented and blessed by the Archbishop of Barcelona, Cardinal Luis Martinez Sistach at the Catalan Faculty of Theology prior to be shipped to Singapore.

FACE OF CHRIST – Permanent installation at the MARIA exhibition in Assisi. 


SOUND & TOUCH  – experience: Shakuhachi flute played by Miura Taro – Hands by Guido Dettoni – Barcelona. 

EXPERIENCE with the parishioners of St Ignatius Church – Singapore. 


Performances, workshops and seminars at: CDBA (Canadian Deafblind Association) – Paris, Ontario  and CAIXA FÓRUM – Tactile Performance at the European Conference of Deafblindness – Barcelona.


Several experimental workshops in Italy. 

HANDMATTER | DEAFBLINDNESS Performances, workshops and seminars: 

Collective Experience and  workshops at the International Symposium held by TSVBI (Texas School for Blind and Visually Impaired) – Austin, Texas. 

KU – Achievement of the Handheld sculpture of a spoon along with  video-interpretation of this artwork.


Remodeling of the exhibition MARIA at Santa Maria delle Rose, Assisi for its new opening.


Permanent installation of the 2 meters high enlargement carved in linden wood at the MARIA Exhibition in Santa Maria delle Rose in Assisi.

CHALICE AND PATEN  – achievement of the artwork carved in wood for the first Eucharistic celebration of the priest Mattia Magoni  – Trescore Balneario, Bergamo, Italia.


Several experimental workshops in Italy.

MARIAExhibit | Installation 

Basílica de Sant Miquel, Palma de Majorca.


Several experimental workshops in Italy


ALPHA-OMEGA Column  at the Osnabrück’s Cathedral, Germany

MATER TERRA (mother earth) – Handheld sculpture and its enlargement. Conception and execution of the Mother Earth Circle cast in concrete at the Earthship  ISLA VERDE, Els Hostaletes de Pierola.

DEAFBLIND SHAPE – Achievement of the handheld sculpture, symbol of Deafblindness

HANDMATTER |  DEAFBLINDNESS – Performances, workshops and seminars with the Deafblind people of the Deafblind Catalan Association – Barcelona.

MATER LACTEA (mother milch) – Achievement of the handheld sculpture following the Mater Lactea workshops: breastfeeding mothers, blindfolded, shape wax to create hand-held shapes. Then, by looking at them they imagine and interpret. Poems, songs, tales are the outcome. An aesthetic inquiry in the world of breastfeeding – 13 workshops all over Catalonia.

FACE OF CHRIST – Permanent installation at the  Sanctuaire de Pontmain – France. 

NOTRE-DAME DE PONTMAINAchievement of Our Lady’s digital representation followed by the edition of the video and the booklet describing and digitally depicting Her apparition.

MARIA Exhibit | Installation 

Universidade Católica – Lisboa 

FACE OF CHRIST – One year installation at the Basilica of Notre-Dame du Folgoët – Bretagne.

MARIAExhibit | Installation 

Basílica da Estrela – Lisboa 


Installation at the Basílica Nossa Senhora dos Mártires – Lisboa


Installation of 2 fiberglass overlapped enlargements of the same sculpture at the Scholastic Institute IES Bendina ,  Calvià -Mallorca.


After the experience of the previous year, achievement of the rotating sculpture.


ROSEMARY’S FLOWER – Collective Experience at IES Bendinat, Calvià, Majorca.

HERZ JESU – Collective Experience at the Herz Jesu Parrish in Herne, Germany.  

MARIA Exhibit | Installation  

Museo Pio XII – Braga

MARIA Exhibit | Installation 

Egreja de Santa Isabel – Lisboa 


Basilica Superiore di San Francesco, Assisi – One month exhibition of  the two meters high enlargement carved in linden-wood. Installed for the concert Embracing the Tau, composed by Giuseppe Magrino, ofm.


Installed during the Easter triduum  at the  Cova de Sant Ignasi de Loyola – Manresa. 


Vilafranca del Penedés, digging into the soil to find/shape the sculpture (then cast in brobze) of Fèlix, the Man.

Presentation in Rome (Spanish Embassy at the Holy Sit) and in Paris (Université Catholique) of the video of the Digging Action and the  bronze sculpture of Fèlix, the Saint

HANDMATTER | SANTFELIX – experience with the children of Vilafranca to discover the Virtual representation of Sant Fèlix.


Hand-held mirrored sculpture and its enlargement. Installation of an 8 elememts column and 8  benches at Platja de Sabinosa – Tarragona.


Two collective experiences: elderly people and children in Argamasilla de Alba, La Mancha, Spain


The Column ALPHA-OMEGA, during one year at the Cripta Gaudì in  the Sagrada Família – Barcelona.

MARIA Exhibit | Installation 

Saint-Sulpice – Paris 


At the Lower Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi. Composed by Giuseppe Magrino ofm. 


Installation at the church of  Santo Tomás de Aquino – Barcelona 


Creation in Assisi of the handheld sculpture in wax


Handheld mirrored sculpture and its enlargement. 

Installation of 1 column of nine elements at Plaça de l’Esclat – Vilafranca del Penedès 

and 10 benches  at  Museu Es Baluard – Palma de Majorca


Heinrich Pesch Haus – Ludwigshafen, Germany


First installation at the Bethlehem’s Church in  Barcelona

MARIA –  Exhibit | Installation

Chiesetta di San Girolamo – Mezzago (Milano) 


At San Rufino Cathedral of Assisi. Composed by Giuseppe Magrino, ofm.


Handheld sculpture and its enlargement  at the temporary exhibition at the 1st congress “To be born at home” – Manresa 


Enlargement of the hand-held mirrored sculpture at Thursday Foundation – Ballina (Byron Bay), Australia.


The sculpture to be experienced and travelled in blindness is presented to the cultural department of the Spanish  Organization for Blind People (ONCE).

MARIA –  Exhibit | Installation

One year at the  Cathedral of  Salamanca


Santa Maria delle Rose in Assisi –  Beginning of the Permanent Exhibition at  this church 

MARIA –  Exhibit | Installation

San Martín Pinario – Santiago de Compostela 


at Plaça Alexandre Jaume, Palma de Majorca,  installation of two stone overlapped enlargements, one mirroring the other

EAGLES – Exhibition | Installation

 at the church of Sant Anoniet in Palma de Majorca, during one full year.

MARIA Exhibit | Installation 

Alte Nikolaikirche – Frankfurt am Main 


permanent installation of one marble enlargement  at Colegio La Purísima, Palma de Majorca 


Permanent installation at the church sanctuary of Saint Michel  – Palma de Majorca

FACE OF CHRIST – Permanent installation at Parròquia de Sant Miquel – Palma Mallorca

MARIA –  Exhibit | Installation

At the church of Sant Antoniet – Palma-Majorca – during one year.

MARIAExhibits | Installations

Fontana d’Or – Girona 

Santa Maria delle Rose – Assisi 

Duomo Cattedrale – Verona 

Iglesia de San Juan de los Panetes – Zaragoza 

Església Nacional Española – Roma 


First presentation and public exhibition at Santa Maria in Montesanto – Roma.  

MARIAExhibits | Installation

Catedral de Santa Maria – Tortosa 

Basílica di San Clemente – Roma

MARIAExhibits | Installation

L’albergueria – Vic 

Palau Robert – Barcelona 

Antic Refectori dels Canonges de la Catedral – Tarragona 

Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana – Roma

Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana – Roma


First world presentation  of the multifaceted Icon MARIA at  Pia Almoina (Diocesan Museum) of Barcelona.


SAKPATA experience (the God of the earth) in  Cotonou – Bénin (West Africa).


Experiencing the Handmatter process with deaf children and adults as well as with handicapped at the Purísima School for Deaf Children, Palma de Majorca.

EAGLESOutdoors at Serra Art Foundation – Sóller, Majorca:  installation of 2 stone overlapped enlargements of the same sculpture. 

YADA – concept and work  presented at the Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Cholula, México.

SCHOOL OF THE EARTH – leading  the project  (Center for training and employment for disabled people, agriculture oriented with the implementation of alternative energy) for the Foundation Teresa de Oliva of Majorca. 

ARTESANS DEL PLA DE MALLORCA – coordination of  the research for, and the edition of a book -as part of a European project- on the craft traditions of Majorca.


At the School “La Purísima for deaf children” in Palma de Majorca  experimenting his findings on the synergy between touch, the other senses and the learning processes,  demonstrating the possible integration of the HANDMATTER methodology  with pedagogy.


Exhibition of tactile sculptures, along with paintings of Montse Galserra, at the Castle of L’Hospitalet de l’Infant, Tarragona. First public presentation of the AQUARIUM.


Under the pseudonym HIDO, at
the Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs, Lleida,  an exhibition brings together
for the first time after 1970 some of his Paintings and Tactile Sculptures.

1970 /1991

He entrusted most of his pictorial work realized until  that date to the Siemens Foundation in Munich without following up the proposed exhibition, so deciding not to enter the art market.

ART PRACTICE & WORKPracticing painting and sculpture and also working within the scope of architecture and design -mainly in Italy, West Africa, China and Switzerland. In Milan, he founded, with his brother Luca, the Studio NUN for graphic and industrial design. In Geneva, where he had his workshop during two years he initiates the  Digging Actions into  the soil. The sculpture “Earth Christ” is witnessing it.  

Several stays in Jerusalem, experienced as a searching path, brought him to know the verb YADA which  defines a relevant aspect of his work. The Hebrew verb Yada means to know in the acception of knowing what is concrete, tangible, not an abstraction. It is formed by the word YAD, the hand, and AYIN, the eye, so suggesting that the hands see and the eyes touch


In ‘72 he conceives and give start and name  to this creative collective process.


Jointly with the Ukrainian painter Ihor Kordiuk, paintings exhibition at the Haus der Begegnung in Munich, Germany. 

EXHIBITION at Terrassa Art Centre, Amics de les Arts -Barcelona,  presenting the painting FLYING MAN at a collective exhibition.

ART PRACTICE & WORK – at a suburban Art Workshop in Caracas, Venezuela

FLYING MAN Starting this pictorial and conceptual process in Granada, Spain.

MIGRATION from Milan, his birth city to Westphalia in Germany, then to  Vienna  prior to move to Barcelona so adding to his Italian roots those of Catalonia.

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