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Image and Copyright RELEASE

By sending the participant form, I authorize the publication of the images of my sculpture, created during the workshop CANTICLE OF THE CREATURES in Assisi, and those of me, together with my name, on the website https://canticodellecreature.art.

I also authorize Guido Dettoni della Grazia to use the photographic images of my sculpture, together with those of the other participants of the same workshop, to digitally compose artistic VISIONS – still or moving – on the CANTICLE OF THE CREATURES.
He is authorized to keep my wax sculpture until the end of the Exhibition CANTICLE OF THE CREATURES 2026, when it shall be collected by me at the closing.

The artistic VISIONS of Guido Dettoni della Grazia will always be accompanied by the mention of my name as the author of the sculpture and therefore of the respective images of the same.

The digital artistic VISIONS of Guido Dettoni della Grazia, will be copyleft, accessible on the Internet and freely reproducible on and offline by anyone.

I also agree to authorize the Cooperative Santa Maria delle Rose to commercially reproduce the artistic VISIONS of Guido Dettoni della Grazia on paper or other physical supports, such as the exhibition catalog. If it is printed, participants will receive a free copy.

The administrative management of this e-commerce site is held by NESHER EDITIONS SL

From 2024, the COOPERATIVA SANTA MARIA DELLE ROSE di Assisi is the beneficiary of the net revenues of this e-commerce due to the “Social Aid Policy” officially adopted.

Via Santa Maria delle Rose 10, Assisi (Italy)
Registered with the Registry of Companies of Perugia on December 7,  2012 , with protocol no. 42.205.