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·  a deeper look  ·

MARIA Enlargement · Edition of seven copies

An edition of 7 copies was made of the handheld Icon of Mary enlarged to 31 cm | 12 in sculpture height, cast in white resin with marble powder. These copies can be found at: 

1. Polyclinic of Lampedusa



2. Meyer Paediatric Hospital in Florence

3. Sant Gervasi Obituary, Barcelona

4. Chapel of the Royal Monastery of Saint Isabel, Barcelona

5. External niche at the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Tufo (L’Aquila)


6. Diocesan Museum of San Rufino, Assisi


7. Available at NESHERGALLERY

Wooden column supporting  the last one of the 7 copies of the work of art MARIA enlarged and cast in white resin.

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