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·  a deeper look  ·

Sant Fèlix in Calepodio

Presentation of the book “Sant Fèlix in Calepodio, Màrtir Romà, Copatró de Vilafranca del Penedès” written by Antoni Ribas.

The act opened the series of activities to celebrate the 325th anniversary of the arrival of the saint’s relics in Vilafranca del Penedès.

The presentation will include speeches by historian Joan Solé, the rector of Vilafranca, Mossèn Xavier Aymerich, the councilor of Culture, Àngels Dalmau, and the author of the book, Antoni Ribas.

Guido Dettoni‘s friend Antoni Ribas invited the artist to show during the event his video of the excavation of the man Felix and the sculpture Saint Felix made in Vilafranca del Penedès . This art performance left a deep impression on those who experienced it in 2004.

Those attending the presentation of the book were able to hold in their hands a handheld replica of the original sculpture Sant Fèlix. It was made carved in oak wood, macerated in wine of the Precedes region. It was also a chance to see the sculpture Saint Felix by Guido Dettoni along with the image from 1700 of the city’s co-patron saint, which oversaw the event.

Antoni Ribas‘s book is a must-have for learning about the impact of Saint Felix. In 40 pages, it will help us understand who Saint Felix was and why he is important in Vilafranca. It answers questions about the saint’s images and why he is celebrated on August 30, as well as the meaning of the relics in the Basilica of Santa Maria. At the presentation, the speakers and attendees said that there was a need for a book like this, which clearly and thoroughly explains the history and symbolism of the patron saint of Vilafranca del Penedes.

The Book takes us on a journey through the centuries, from the late 17th century to the present day. It invites us to rediscover the footprint of the Roman martyr in the devotion and tradition of Vilafranca.

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